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Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009

How to Disable Facebook Chat

Although I use facebook a lot, I never want to use it for chatting. In fact, I never even want people to know when I am online. By following these steps, you will always appear “offline” and facebook chat will be turned off.

My wonderful wife asked me how to disable Facebook chat tonight. As much as I enjoy Facebook, the chat mechanism always seemed ultra annoying to me.

1. Log into Facebook.
2. In the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, click the Chat button.
3. When the chat window appears, click the Options tab.
4. Select Go Offline

disable facebook chat

To enable it again, just click the Chat button.

When chat is disabled, nobody can tell when you are online.

Gmail: How to Insert Images into an Email Message Body

Gmail allows you to insert images into the body of an email message instead of just attaching the image. This makes for a better looking email and prevents the reader from having to open an attachment after opening the email.

1. Go to Gmail and login to your account.

2. Click the Labs icon at the upper right corner of the screen.

3. Scroll down the list to the Inserting Images Lab and select its Enable radio button.

4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save Changes button.

5. Click the Compose Mail link on the left side of the screen. Address the message and input an appropriate Subject.

6. Compose your email as usual. When you come to a place in the message where you wish to insert an image, go to the Rich Formatting toolbar and select the Insert Image icon .

7. Select the My Computer radio button if you wish to insert an image that resides on your computer. Browse to the desired image and then click the Open button to select it. Click the Add Image button to insert it into the message body.

Select the Web address (URL) radio button if you wish to insert an image that resides on the web. Input the Image URL. Click the Add Image

IE8: Increase the Maximum Connections Limit to Download More Than Six Files at One Time

By default Internet Explorer 8 limits the number of files that can be downloaded at one time to six. While this is higher than previous versions of IE, you can still get it to do better.

1. Open up Notepad (or right-click the desktop, mouseover New and select Text Document).

2. Copy and paste the following into the new text document:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



3. Save the document as ie8_maxconnections.

4. Double-click the new file to merge it into the Registry.

5. Continue through the UAC prompt and confirm that you wish to perform the action.

6. Restart you computer (or simply stop and start Explorer.exe from the Task Manager).

Using the New Google Search Options

Everyone’s favorite search engine has made it easier to get the search results you desire. You can filter your result set to show forums, reviews, videos, etc. and place a time constraint on the result set as well.

1. Go to Google as you normally would.

2. Input the search criteria and click the Google Search button.

3. You will see your result set (as you normally would).

4. Go to the very top of the result set and click the Show options link.

5. You will see a set of search options appear on the left side of the screen. Your options are Videos, Forums, and Reviews. Time constraints are Recent results, Past 24 hours, Past week and Past year. You can enhance the standard result set with either images from the page or with more text. Finally, you can look at related searches, the Wonder Wheel or a Timeline.

Here are some examples:

Selecting Video will narrow your result set to show only those pages with an associated video.

Selecting Forums will narrow your result set to show only those pages that Google has associated with Forums.

Selecting Reviews will narrow your result set to show only those pages that Google has associated with Reviews.

By using Google’s new Search Options, you can narrow your result set and find what you are looking for in far less time than before.

Import CSV file directly into MySQL

Instead of writing a script to pull in information from a CSV file, you can link MYSQL directly to it and upload the information using the following SQL syntax.

To import an Excel file into MySQL, first export it as a CSV file. Remove the CSV headers from the generated CSV file along with empty data that Excel may have put at the end of the CSV file.

You can then import it into a MySQL table by running:

load data local infile 'uniq.csv' into table tblUniq
fields terminated by ','
enclosed by '"'
lines terminated by '\n'
(uniqName, uniqCity, uniqComments)

The fields here are the actual tblUniq table fields that the data needs to sit in. The enclosed by and lines terminated by are optional and can help if you have columns enclosed with double-quotes such as Excel exports, etc.

exFAT Versus FAT32 Versus NTFS

With Vista SP1 Microsoft has introduced a new file system. Extended File Allocation Table (exFAT) is the successor to the old FAT32 file system. What are the advanatages and disadvantages to this new file system? What are the differences between exFAT and FAT32? When is exFAT preferred over NTFS?

Microsoft has released the exFAT file system with Vista SP1. This file system that previously had been rumored to be released with the original Vista is finally available to the public on a wide scale. This article will explain what issues with FAT32 that exFAT fixes. Surprisingly to many people, exFAT even may be better than the much loved NTFS in some circumstances.

FAT32 is the file system with which most windows users are most familiar. Windows first supported FAT32 with Windows 95 OSR2 and has increased support for it through XP.

FAT32 has multiple issues that modern systems can experience:

    - By default windows systems can only format a drive up to 32 GB. Additional software works around this issue. When formatted at these bigger sizes, FAT32 becomes increasingly inefficient.

    - The maximum file size on a FAT32 formatted drive is around 4 GB. With DVD and high resolution DVD formats now available, this limit is commonly noticed.

    - Dealing with fragmentation and free disk space calculations can become painfully resource intensive in large FAT32 systems.

    - A FAT32 directory can have 65,536 directory entries. Each file or subdirectory can take up multiple entries; therefore, FAT32 directories are limited with how many files it can hold.

exFAT was first released with CE 6.0 but will finally hit the mainstream with Vista SP1. exFAT has several advantages over FAT32:

    -File size limit is now 16 exabytes.

    - Format size limits and files per directory limits are practically eliminated.

    - Like HPFS, exFAT uses free space bitmaps to reduce fragmentation and free space allocation/detection issues.

    - Like HTFS, permission systems should be able to be attached through an access control list (ACL). It is unclear if or when Vista will include this feature, however.

    In the past most power-users of Microsoft systems have opted to format/convert to a NTFS file system instead.

Interestingly enough, exFAT is not used currently for formatting hard drives. It is being recommended in Flash memory storage and other external devices only. This is why it is currently not considered a huge competitor to NTFS on hard drives.

However, exFAT should be a true competitor to NTFS on systems with limited processing power and memory. NTFS on flash memory has been known to be inefficient for quite some time. exFAT’s smaller footprint/overhead makes it ideal for this purpose. Of course, only if your definition of “ideal” allows software to be proprietary and not open source.

Vista will happily read FAT, exFAT, and NTFS from flash. ReadyBoost may not work with exFAT formatted flash drives, however.

In conclusion, basically, FAT is a simple system. This limits FAT system by losing efficiency at large sizes, but allows it to run with less resources. The complexity of NTFS increases features but requires more memory and processing power.

you find more at :


This article discusses the key features and benefits of the extended File Allocation Table (exFAT) file system driver for Windows XP. In response to OEM feedback and to Independent Software Vendor (ISV) feedback, Microsoft released the exFAT file system driver for Windows XP on January 27, 2009.

The exFAT file system is the successor to FAT32 in the FAT family of file systems. The exFAT file system is a new file system format that addresses the growing needs of mobile personal storage on different operating systems. The exFAT file system handles large files, such as those that are used for media storage, and it enables seamless interoperability between desktop computers and devices, such as portable media devices. Because of this functionality, you can easily copy files between the desktop and external devices or between the desktop and other operating systems.

After you download the file that is described in the "More Information" section, you will be able to format external media in the exFAT format. Additionally, you will be able to format external media that is larger than 32 GB, and exFAT-formatted media will be recognized on the computer. More improvements of the exFAT file system are described in the "More Information" section.

Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009

NOD32 Smart Security v4

Antivirus | Antispyware | Firewall | Antispam

FACT: Surfing the web and using email is a part of daily life.

FACT: Criminals capitalize on this to their advantage, flooding the Internet with over 100,000 new attacks every day, in an effort to steal your identity or turn your computer into a "zombie" to launch email spam and other Internet crimes.

FACT: Over 70 million users worldwide trust ESET to defend themselves from these attacks.

ESET Smart Security is the most effective protection you can use to combat today's huge volumes of Internet and email threats. It combines ESET's award-winning NOD32® proactive antivirus and antispyware protection with a powerful yet easy–to-use two-way firewall and robust antispam technology.

Using our advanced ThreatSense® technology, ESET Smart Security proactively protects you from new attacks during the critical first hours when other vendors' products are not even aware the attack exists. ESET Smart Security detects and disables both known and unknown viruses, trojans, worms, adware, spyware, rootkits and other Internet threats.

ESET Smart Security is also faster than any other Internet security suite, so fast you won't even notice it running. It's easy to use yet simple to optimize for your specific needs.

ESET Smart Security is security you can trust - every hour of every day.

Key Benefits

Protection from the Unknown — Our award-winning ThreatSense technology uses multiple layers of threat detection to deliver the most effective protection possible against attacks. And ThreatSense is smart; it not only generates far fewer annoying false positive alarms than any other products that use heuristics, but finds malware other antivirus products miss.

Built for Speed — ESET Smart Security is lightning fast, so fast you won't even notice it's there. Even disk-intensive operations like performing a "full disk scan" run smoothly in the background while you work.

Easy on Your System — ESET Smart Security is "lean and mean," using just 48 MB of memory, a fraction of what other products consume. Because it's fast and "light," upgrading your existing Internet security to ESET Smart Security can literally be like buying a new computer. And laptop users can rejoice in the new automatic energy-sipping battery mode.

Easy on You — From its compact and intuitive user interface to its minimal use of alerts, self-training two-way firewall, and other new features, ESET Smart Security is easier to use than ever before.

What's New

Smarter Scanner — Threats don't always enter in ways you expect. ESET Smart Security inspects SSL-encrypted communication channels like HTTPS and POP3S, and intelligently scans compressed files to find threats that other products miss. ESET's Smart Optimization feature makes file scanning faster than ever.

Time-saving Firewall — The new Learning Mode saves time by automatically creating firewall rules by observing how you use your computer, while offering advanced firewall modes for power users.

Upgraded Antispam — ESET Smart Security now takes care of annoying spam with a smaller, faster, and even more effective spam filter.

Removable Media Security — Threats can enter your PC from removable media such as USB thumb drives. For self-running media, ESET Smart Security scans autorun.inf and associated files on mount, in addition to scanning any file on any removable device when it is accessed, or during a full-scan of the media. Power users can adjust ESET Smart Security to perform additional levels of scanning on removable media.

System Tools — ESET SysInspector and ESET SysRescue simplify diagnosis and cleaning of infected systems by allowing deep scans of system processes to find hidden threats, and creating bootable rescue CD/DVD or USB drives to help you repair an infected computer.

Self Defense — ESET Smart Security has built-in technology to prevent malicious software from corrupting or disabling it, so you can rest assured your system is always protected.

Usability Improvements — ESET Smart Security has numerous speed, security and usability upgrades.

  • Energy-sipping battery mode extends laptop battery life without compromising security
  • Advanced Protection Status screen informs you of detected threats
  • Information pop-ups are hidden when running full screen applications like games, video players or presentations
  • Password protection prevents ESET Smart Security from being uninstalled by strangers
  • New interface and keyboard shortcuts simplify use for visually impaired users

System Requirements

Processors supported: Intel or AMD x86/x64
Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP (32- and 64-bit editions). Microsoft Windows Vista (32- and 64-bit editions)
Memory: 48 MB
Disk Space (download): 32 MB
Disk Space (installation): 46 MB



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